School of Engineering Sigma Lambda Chi Induction

By NU Marketing & Communications Office

The Norwich University Chapter of Sigman Lambda Chi recently inducted five new members: Matthew Czaja, Grant Schaeffer, Ryan Tremel, John Terhune, and Shelby Castaneda.

Five students holding their certificates of Induction to the School of Engineering Sigma Lambda Chi

Sigma Lambda Chi is a Construction Management National Honor Society advised by Professor Nadia Al-Aubaidy. The requirements to become a member include a minimum GPA of 3.0, completion of at least 50% of the construction management curriculum, and a demonstrated commitment to the construction industry through extracurricular activities, internships, or work experience. Additionally, students must be nominated by a faculty member and approved by the society's board of directors.

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Director of Strength and Conditioning Scott Caulfield standing on Sabine Field

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BG William F. McCollough, VSM, Commandant and Vice President for Student Affairs, Norwich Class of 1991 and C/1SG Matthew S. Ober '26 shaking hands in front of the Norwich University logo

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