Norwich University receives $19.5 million grant to lead Defense Department Cyber Institute program
NORTHFIELD, Vt. — Norwich University has been designated the lead institution of the nation’s Senior Military Colleges in creating a Department of Defense Cyber Institute program through a recently awarded two-year, $19.5 million grant.

NORTHFIELD, Vt. — Norwich University has been designated the lead institution of the nation’s Senior Military Colleges in creating a Department of Defense Cyber Institute program through a recently awarded two-year, $19.5 million grant.
The six schools, Norwich University, Virginia Military Institute, The Citadel, Virginia Tech, University of North Georgia, and Texas A&M, will create a pipeline of qualified cyberprofessionals in critical work roles.
As the lead institution, Norwich University will execute $4 million over the two years, creating a program office to manage the development of a joint integrated program enabling the development of academic, experiential (internal/external), and educational infrastructure leading to a talent pipeline for potential military and civilian Defense Department’s cyberworkforce.
“I am proud that Norwich has been selected as the lead military college for the Department of Defense Cyber Institute,” U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., said. “Norwich University is a national leader in cyber education and this grant will ensure that they continue to prepare students to be the next generation of cyber professionals in many critical roles.”
Students will engage in rigorous experiential and immersive learning activities focusing on building cross-institutional multidisciplinary programs, sharing expertise, and enabling military and civilian competency development and measurable skills.
“The multidisciplinary programs created by these six Senior Military Colleges will build crucial leadership skills as well as critical cybersecurity competencies for the cybersecurity professionals who will serve the nation as DoD civilians or as military professionals.” Diane M. Janosek, commandant, National Security Agency’s National Cryptologic School
“The National Security Agency is excited to partner with Norwich, Citadel, University of North Georgia, Virginia Tech, Texas A&M, and Virginia Military Institute in the DoD Cyber Institute pilot program!” said Diane M. Janosek, the commandant of National Security Agency’s National Cryptologic School, which houses the NCAE-C Program. “The multidisciplinary programs created by these six Senior Military Colleges will build crucial leadership skills as well as critical cybersecurity competencies for the cybersecurity professionals who will serve the nation as DoD civilians or as military professionals.
“This innovative pilot is a key element in expanding the pool of eligible and certified cyber experts who will protect and defend the Nation’s national security posture,” she added.
First-year plan
During this inaugural year, the institutions will invest in capacity-building activities to strengthen their cybersecurity and associated programs, including cross-cultural competence, critical languages, national and international security, system analysis and vulnerabilities of cybersystems. The programs envisioned build upon the Cyber Leadership Development Program, emphasizing the whole student, and include principles of critical thinking, analytic thinking and written and oral communication.
The program office at Norwich, led by Dr. Sharon Hamilton, associate vice president of strategic partnerships, will develop the governance, process, and infrastructure to promote collaboration and joint engagement across the coalition and our critical Government Partners. Additionally, the program will identify critical skill and educational gaps, and build experiences to expand existing academic and cocurricular programs.
The diversity of the educational programs in cyber- and related fields across the Senior Military Colleges coalition has the depth to address the Cyber Mission Force work roles of data scientists, capability developer, network operations, operational research systems analyst, reverse engineer, malware and exploitation analyst, big data analytics, vulnerability researcher and information operations integrators into cyberoperations.
“The Senior Military Colleges share common educational experiences and values of honor, service before self, leadership, and experiential education to meet our national challenges,” Norwich University Vice President or Strategic Partnerships Phil Susmann said. “This program will provide critical skills for civilian and military positions in the Department of Defense.”
The Senior Military Colleges are committed to working in partnership with the National Security Agency, U.S. Cyber Command, the Cyber Service Component Commands and the Department of Defense Chief Information Office.
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About Norwich University
Norwich University is a diversified academic institution that educates traditional-age students and adults in a Corps of Cadets and as civilians. Norwich offers a broad selection of traditional and distance-learning programs culminating in baccalaureate and graduate degrees. Norwich University was founded in 1819 by U.S. Army Capt. Alden Partridge and is the oldest private military college in the United States. Norwich is one of our nation's six senior military colleges and the birthplace of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC).
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