Corps of Cadets Change of Command Ceremony with Review scheduled for April 19 on the Upper Parade Ground

By NU Marketing & Communications Office

On April 19, Norwich will recognize the senior cadet class for their service and contributions to our university and beyond and promote the new cadet chain of command for the 2024-2025 academic year. We invite Norwich and local communities to attend either in-person or virtually.

C/COL Sophia Righthouse ’25

The 56th Commandant of Cadets, BG William F. McCollough, VSM, Class of 1991, invites the Norwich and local communities to our Corps of Cadets Change of Command Ceremony with Review on April 19, at 5 p.m. on the Upper Parade Ground or to virtually attend by watching at Norwich University Families Facebook page

We will recognize the senior cadet class for their service and contributions to our university and beyond and promote the new cadet chain of command for the 2024-2025 academic year. As part of the ceremony, the cannons will be fired in recognition of the Change of Command. 

The outgoing regimental commander, C/COL Henry Dennee ’24, will provide remarks, then formally pass the Norwich colors to the incoming regimental commander, C/COL Sophia Righthouse ’25, who also will deliver remarks, then lead the Corps of Cadets in review. 

The reviewing officer is Alan DeForest ‘75, Chairman of the Board of Trustees. In addition, as members of our official party, we will honor several Norwich Trustees who completed their terms in recognition of their professional expertise, valued leadership, time, and volunteer service to Norwich. 

Please join us in person or virtually.

Norwich Forever! 

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