Peace and War Summit
The Peace and War Summit examines significant international issues in order to recommend viable solutions. The Summit is a two-day event that will host government officials, prominent scholars, and policy experts at Norwich University—America’s oldest private military college, located in Vermont. The culmination of the event is the publication of the Journal of Peace and War Studies.

Welcome to the Summit
March 17 to 18, 2025
Latin America in the 21st Century: Retreat or Progress?
The international community is confronted with numerous significant challenges, including military conflicts in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, an emerging new Cold War between democracy and authoritarianism, natural disasters prompted by climate change, and economic instability triggered by unstable geopolitical conditions.
Along with these global challenges, Latin America is not immune from multiple serious problems. Many Latin Americans who suffer from perilous domestic circumstances due to the omnipresence of drug cartels, a near-constant barrage of gang violence, and volatile political and economic situations seek to immigrate to the United States. Such an endeavor is undertaken in a variety of extra-legal capacities that result in grim human rights violations and tensions between the U.S. and Latin American nations (as well as internally among U.S. communities). Countries like Venezuela, Haiti, and El Salvador are experiencing chaotic domestic political conditions due to rampant corruption at the highest levels that has trickled down to infect nearly the entire populace.
Beyond cartels, gangs, and corruption, the size of the earth’s lungs, the Amazon rainforest in Brazil is rapidly diminishing due to unconstrained economic development plans and the monetization of displacement. Furthermore, while the U.S. has long maintained a dominant position in Latin America since the Monroe Doctrine was declared in 1823, China and Russia seek to enhance their political and economic influence throughout the region. With such realities in mind, Norwich University’s 6th Peace and War Summit thoroughly addresses the significant challenges that Latin American nations have faced by way of scholarly presentations and discussions and the involvement in such conversations of Vermont-based organizations that work with the Vermont Latin American community.

Vermont Humanities
Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Vermont Humanities.
Monday, March 17
9 – 9:50 a.m.: Mack Hall Auditorium
WELCOME REMARKS: Dr. Karen Gaines, Provost & Dean of the Faculty, Norwich University
KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Brigadier General Carlos M. Caceres, Deputy Commanding General U.S. Army Intelligence & Security Command
KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Ambassador (retired) Patrick Duddy, Senior Advisor for Global Affairs, Duke University
10 a.m. – 10:50 p.m.: Mack Hall Auditorium
Moderator: William Mooney, '86
Matthew Singer: Pressurizing Borders and Politics: Immigration Intention Trends in the Americas
Rita Boyajian Groh: Not Our Kind of Americans, Perceived Worthiness of Immigrants in the Justification of Blind Hatred
11 a.m. – 11:50 p.m.: Mack Hall Auditorium
Moderator: Denise Lopez Mazzeo
Mary Malone: Lighting a Match in a Dry Forrest: How Organized Criminal Groups Capitalize on Inequality
Sergio Díaz-Luna: Conflict and Restoration in Colombia: Visual Narratives of ‘Las Violencias’
1 p.m. – 1:50 p.m.: Mack Hall Auditorium
Moderator: Austin J. Garcia
Evan Ellis: China’s impacts on Latin America and U.S. strategic equities
Michelle D. Paranzino: Russian-Latin American Relations in and after the Cold War
2 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.: Mack Hall Auditorium
Moderator: Carolina C. Payares-Asprino
Kaitlin Thomas: Chilean Cacerolazo: Pots and Pans, Song and Social Media to Protest
Kenneth Schweitzer: Cuban Music & Art within the Context of Contemporary U.S.-Cuba Relations
Joshua Regan: Deforestation, Indigenous Rights, and Terrorism: Autonomous Movements by the Mapuche in Central Chile
3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.: Mack Hall Auditorium
Moderator: Allison Neal
Discussants: Michael Andrew and Cevat Dargin
Tom H. Besser: The Tech-Industrial Complex and the New Monroe Doctrine
Sebastian Mejia Lopez: How and to What Extent has China used its UNSC Seat to Reshape Global Affairs
Richard S. Conlon: Learning from Bad Examples: The Introduction of International Law in Late Qing China
Tuesday, March 18
9:30 – 10:45 a.m.: Mack Hall Auditorium
ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION I: Complexities in Latin America
Chair: William F. Lyons
Panelists: Sergio Díaz-Luna, Evan Ellis, Kenneth Schweitzer, Mary Malone
11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.: Mack Hall Auditorium
ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION II: U.S. Strategy toward Latin America
Chair: Daniel A. Morris
Panelists: Rita Boyajian Groh, Michelle D. Paranzino, Joshua Regan, Matthew Singer, Kaitlin Thomas
Yangmo Ku, Executive Director
Associate Professor, Political Science, Norwich University
Associate Director, John and Mary Frances Patton Peace & War Center
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The 2024 issue of the Journal of Peace and War Studies gives special focus to the theme, “War, Memory, and Reconciliation.”
All Summits
Day 1 Monday, March 17
Day 2 Tuesday, March 18
March 18, 2024
War, Memory, and Reconciliation
Recently, a series of conflicts in Europe and the Middle East have erupted, bringing with them devastating human and economic tolls. While the international community has worked to prevent these regional conflicts from spilling over into wider, global incidents, they’ve paid little attention to the human and political consequences that will linger as traumatic memories for years and decades to come. Norwich University’s 5th annual Peace and War Summit will explore wartime memories, and how nations can reconcile these traumatic events to better understand how the aftermath of a nation’s wartime experiences affects their citizens, infrastructure, and political climate long after the guns have been silenced.
March 20 to 21, 2023
Peace in the Middle East: An Impossible Mission?
The world community is confronted with a series of significant challenges. These challenges include escalating great power rivalries between the U.S. and China/Russia, concerns over nuclear war, economic instability, climate change, and pandemics. In this global context, the Middle East is engulfed in turbulent geopolitical dynamics, such as the power vacuum caused by U.S. disengagements in the region as well as the intensification of sectarian competition between Iran, its proxies and Israel and Sunni Arab countries. Thus, the Middle Eastern regional order remains complex and unstable while facing the lingering Israeli-Palestinian conflict, unstable economic conditions, and tumultuous civil war-like conditions in Syria, Libya, and Yemen. Norwich University’s 4th Peace and War Summit thoroughly addressed these challenges in the Middle East to advance our understanding of the region and outline effective solutions to construct a more peaceful regional order.
March 21 to 22, 2022
Deciphering the Russian Riddle: National Interests & Geopolitical Competition
The Peace and War Summit examines significant international issues in order to recommend viable solutions. The Summit is a two-day event that will host government officials, prominent scholars, policy experts at Norwich University—America’s oldest private military college, located in Vermont. The culmination of the event is the publication of the Journal of Peace and War Studies. The 3rd Summit, March 21-22, 2022, scrutinized various challenges deriving from Russia, which range from its territorial intrusion into Ukraine and Georgia to intervention into Syria to growing military partnership with China to its cyber-attacks and disinformation campaigns.
October 4 to 8, 2021
ISOMA Special Edition: Preparing Military Leaders to Effectively Resolve 21st Century Challenges
The International Symposium of Military Academies (ISOMA) is a biennial international exchange forum focused on the training of young military officers and planned under the guidance of the International Association of Military Academies. The event included representatives from a variety of nations and explore meeting civil-military challenges through military leader relationships; developing military leaders’ capacity beyond traditional conceptions of land, sea and air; and leadership, ethics and educational challenges under the theme of Preparing Military Leaders to Effectively Resolve 21st Century Security Challenges. Norwich University was honored to be the first institution in the United States to host the symposium.
April 15 to 16, 2020
On the Path to Conflict? Scrutinizing US-China Rivalry
The Peace and War Summit examines significant international issues in order to recommend viable solutions. The Summit is a two-day event that hosts government officials, prominent scholars, policy experts at Norwich University—America’s oldest private military college, located in Vermont. The culmination of the event is the publication of the Journal of Peace and War Studies. The 2nd Summit, April 15-16, 2020, dealt with the rivalry between the United States and China, a rapidly rising challenger in world politics. Specifically, the Summit highlighted challenges derived from military/security, economic, and technological angles.