Office of Academic Research

"Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought." - Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

Norwich University students hit the books in 2022

Norwich University’s research mission aligns with the university’s strategic plan as we advocate the pursuit of original research, scholarship and creative projects to build teacher-scholars and citizen-soldier-scholars to strengthen academic excellence and expand strategic partnerships. We support all NU researchers in their pursuit of grants, scholarships, and fellowships, exchange of ideas, and contributions to global knowledge that further enhance NU’s academic reputation.

Research, Centers and Grants

The Norwich research portfolio is made up of extramurally funded research, endowed research, and five research centers that use a blend of funding to advance areas critical to national security and technological innovation.  

Associate Provost for Research and Chief Research Officer 
Tara Kulkarni, PhD., PE
(802) 485-2268


Director of Pre-Award and Research Development
Mina Peshavaria, PhD 
(802) 485-298

Director of Post Award and Research Compliance
Cristy Boarman, B.S., A.A.S. 
(802) 485-2794

Assistant Director, Research Centers
Megan Liptak M’09 
(802) 485-3138 


Faculty Development Checkerboard

Faculty Development

Norwich University faculty members are supported in their scholarly pursuits. The University provides ample resources for research initiatives. This support extends to securing external grants, publishing research findings, presenting at conferences, and fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity and academic exploration.

Norwich student works to solve a complex math problem.

Undergraduate Research Program

Our mission is to support students across disciplines to pursue research and creative work with a faculty mentor, promoting the 200-year-old vision of the university as a learning community dedicated to personal and intellectual transformation. 

Research Centers

Norwich University is at the forefront of research and policy advances on the national and global stage, working collaboratively with industry, the military, and the government through its affiliated centers, institutes, and events.  What sets Norwich apart is the ability of our students to affiliate themselves with a Center of Excellence, providing them with network opportunities and a seat at the table to discuss, investigate, and act upon the challenges facing the global landscape.

AI Center Differentiator Image

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Center

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Center is a Norwich University academic center of excellence for students, scholars, and practitioners seeking to conduct multiple forms and levels of research, deliver educational programming, and create workforce development projects to meet the growing national and regional requirements for an advanced computing capable workforce.

CyFER Differentiator Image

Center for Cybersecurity and Forensics Education and Research

The Norwich University Center for Cybersecurity and Forensics Education and Research (CyFER) is a Norwich University academic center of excellence for students, scholars, and practitioners focused on the development of emerging, advanced and next-generation computing technologies.

CGRS Differentiator Image

Center for Global Resilience & Security

The Center for Global Resilience & Security (CGRS) is a Norwich University academic center of excellence for students, scholars, and practitioners seeking to craft creative, innovative, and sustainable solutions for building resilient and secure communities, through inter-disciplinary research and design collaboration.​

Leadership Center Differentiator Image

Center for Leadership

The Norwich University Center for Leadership is a Norwich University academic center of excellence for students, scholars, and practitioners seeking collaboration with military, public, private, and non-profit organizations to advance leadership through academic programs, research opportunities, scholarly publications, and professional outreach services.

Norwich Students give Brown Bag Leadership Presentations

Leadership Academies

There has never been a greater need for leaders who serve in the government, non-government, private, and global sectors. Norwich’s Leadership Academies will provide pathways to these sectors by focusing on the citizen soldier concept. These academies develop new leaders of strong character who are ethical, innovative, inclusive, and ready to lead in military, federal, private, and NGO environments. 

PaWC Differentiator Image

John & Mary Frances Patton Peace and War Center

The John and Mary Frances Patton Peace and War Center (PAWC) is a Norwich University academic center of excellence for students, scholars, and practitioners seeking to advance interdisciplinary knowledge on the relationship between peace and warfare at local, national, and global levels.


Extramural Funding for Norwich Research 

The Office of Academic Research supports Norwich faculty and students in their efforts to carry out original research, scholarship, and creative projects, and to promote the exchange of results at all levels within academia so as to contribute to global knowledge and further enhance our academic reputation. Norwich Researchers have been awarded extramural funding from a wide range of federal, state, and local agencies and foundations. 

The American Society for Engineering Education is a non-profit member association, founded in 1893, dedicated to promoting and improving engineering and engineering technology education.

The Association for Environmental Health and Sciences Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit, member-supported, professional organization. Our purpose is to facilitate communication and foster cooperation among professionals concerned with the challenge of soil, sediment, and water assessment, cleanup, and protection. 

Battelle is the largest independent nonprofit applied science and technology organization in the world. We support a diverse spectrum of clients, from small start-up companies to multinational corporations and government agencies.

Founded in 1956, the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) is an association of nonprofit independent colleges and universities, state-based councils, and higher education affiliates that works to support college and university leadership, advance institutional excellence, and enhance public understanding of independent higher education’s contributions to society.

Norwich University is recognized by the US Department of Defense as the "Birthplace" of the Reserve Officer Training program as well as being the lead institution in a consortium of the six senior military colleges designed to grow the nation's pipeline of cybersecurity talent.

Careers Preparation National Center

The Department of Defense Cyber Institute

Norwich Research Events

Category I Dana Talks: Dr. Helene M. Sisti

The Charles A. Dana Category I Lecture Series presents "Learning and Neuroplasticity: A 360 Degree View of the Brain" with Dr. Helene Sisti, Assistant Professor, Norwich University.

  • Mar 12, 2025
  • 12:00 - 12:50pm EDT
    • Kreitzberg Library

2025 Peace & War Summit

The Peace and War Summit examines significant international issues in order to recommend viable solutions. The Summit is a two-day event that will host government officials, prominent scholars, and policy experts at Norwich University—America’s oldest private military college, located in Vermont. The culmination of the event is the publication of the Journal of Peace and War Studies

  • Mar 17, 2025 - Mar 18, 2025
  • 9:00am - 1:00pm EDT
    • Mack Hall

Norwich Researchers in the News

Director of Strength and Conditioning Scott Caulfield standing on Sabine Field

Year of the Strength Coach

Award-winning Director of Strength and Conditioning Scott Caulfield named the 2025 College Strength & Conditioning Coach of the Year by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).

Thoren Berg headshot

Norwich University Cadet Receives National Leadership Award

C/CSM Thoren Berg ’25 has been selected by the Association of Military Colleges & Schools of the United States (AMCSUS) as the recipient of the Leadership Award and a $1,000 scholarship. A combination of his character and service alongside his academic and athletic performances led to this honor.