Norwich student working on tiny house construction project.

David Crawford School of Engineering

School of Engineering

By leveraging lab work and internships, our majors form relationships with colleagues and professors in other departments and universities to solve the 21st century’s grand challenges. Our students have joined an Antarctica-based science expedition, worked to improve a NASA mini satellite and revived a hydropowered electrical plant. Help build the projects than can change the world.

The Mission of the David Crawford School of Engineering is to:

  • Prepare students to excel as engineers
  • Provide a broad, fundamental, and practical engineering education
  • Foster creativity and critical thinking in problem-solving
  • Enable students to be leaders in their profession, community, nation, and the world
Design build colloboration

Design+Build Collaborative

For 20-plus years, Norwich’s Design+Build Collaborative has called on students to “act as well as conceive” and address Vermont community needs by constructing full-scale building projects. The Collaborative continues to design and prototype regionally informed projects, partner with community organizations and organize research across Schools.

Accreditations - David Crawford School of Engineering

New England Commission of Higher Education


Norwich University is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), known formerly as the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc. (NEASC).

Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology


Civil Engineering is accredited by the EAC Accreditation Commission(s) of ABET,  under the General Criteria and the Civil Engineering Program Criteria.

Construction Management is accredited by the ANSAC Accreditation Commission(s) of ABET, under the General Criteria and the Construction Management Program Criteria.

Electrical and Computer Engineering is accredited by the EAC Accreditation Commission(s) of ABET, under the General Criteria and the Electrical and Computer Engineering Program Criteria.

Interdisciplinary Engineering is accredited by the EAC Accreditation Commission of ABET, under the commission’s General Criteria.

Mechanical Engineering is accredited by the EAC Accreditation Commission(s) of ABET, under the General Criteria and the Mechanical Engineering Program Criteria.

Meet our Engineering Faculty

“I want future engineers to be conceptually creative, qualitatively strong, and eloquent in their designs. I want them to be able to research, differentiate between fact and fiction, and make real change.” Associate Professor, Tara Kulkarni

Image of Michael Cross

Michael Cross


  • Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Assistant Professor
Image of R. Danner Friend

R. Danner Friend


  • Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Professor
Dr. Kulkarni in Class A Uniform, Associate Provost for Research

Tara Kulkarni


  • Associate Provost for Research
  • Chief Research Officer
  • Associate Professor

William F. Lyons


  • Professor of Practice
  • Academic Director, Strategic Studies
  • Co-Director, Center for Global Resilience and Security
John E. Patterson

John E. Patterson


  • Associate Professor
  • Program Coordinator, Construction Management
Image of Karen Supan

Karen Supan


  • Associate Professor
  • Director, David Crawford School of Engineering
Moses Tefe

Moses Tefe


  • Associate Professor
  • Chair, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Chair, Construction Management
faculty placeholder - Norwich University Shield TM

Ali Al Bataineh


  • Assistant Professor
  • Director, Center for Artificial Intelligence

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