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Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

The Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry provides students with an introduction to the scientific method, the correct and effective presentation of data, and develops students' critical thinking skills by allowing the analysis and the interpretation of experimental data.

Our graduates are highly desired by industry and government employers for their laboratory skills and are well qualified for admission to graduate and professional schools. The courses and labs required for these degrees assure that graduates are proficient in the fundamental principles of chemistry and prepared to apply these principles to specialized areas such as environmental, forensic, medicinal, and pharmaceutical chemistry.

Attainment of the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry requires at least 122 credits as does the Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry.  Course work should conform to the following tables since many advanced chemistry courses have other courses as a prerequisite.  All courses listed on the curriculum map are required, although the sequence varies somewhat for courses offered in alternate years. It is difficult for chemistry and biochemistry majors to schedule the required courses unless they follow the curriculum plan paying special attention to the alternate year courses.

The progress of all students majoring in chemistry and biochemistry will be evaluated by the department at the end of the first and second years.   Students receiving an unsatisfactory evaluation will be requested to change majors. 

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